YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards Premium is the most effective way to increase sales.
A gift card makes life for both your customer and the person receiving it a lot easier. This is why gift cards are becoming increasingly popular, to the point where 98% of stores – and not just virtual stores – use them to increase sales volume and customer loyalty.
Thanks to YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards, you will be able to create digital or printable gift cards of any amount and give your customers the ability to customize them to make a special gift for their friends. and their families.
⭐Learn More Full Free YITH WooCommerce Premium Plugin!
Demo: https://yithemes.com/category/wordpress-theme-free-download/plugins/yith-woocommerce-gift-cards/
Features YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards Premium
Admin YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards Plugin
- Create one or more physical gift cards with one or more fixed amounts
- Create one or more virtual gift cards
- Allow user to insert number of gift cards
- Set the minimum amount a user can enter on a gift card
- Choose a different image for each gift card
- Choose if and where to display the store logo on the gift card
- Percentage discount on gift card prices (both virtual and pre-printed gift cards)
- Choose the action to trigger when a gift card order receives a Canceled or Refunded status:
- Suspension of gift cards
- Disable the gift card (in this case it cannot be used for any other purchases)
- Create a collection of images that can be associated with a gift card during purchase (like Christmas, Birthday, etc.)
- Sell physical gift cards (pre-printed)
- Show ‘apply gift card code’ form in different places on Cart and Checkout pages
- Enable the option so users can enter the gift card code in the standard coupon code field (instead of showing two different forms in cart and checkout)
- Activate optional QR code in gift card
- Confirm the email delivery status of the gift code
- Send a gift card code or manual link in case something goes wrong
- Attach a PDF file to a gift card email
- Disable gift cards manually
- Confirm the principal and current balance of each gift card
- Give a gift voucher associated with a specific store product: the coupon will be of the same value as the product will be suggested in the email
- Disable the ‘Give this product’ option on a product basis
- Generate gift cards from the backend
- Edit gift card details from backend
- Update gift card balance from backend without creating new order
- Inventory management of online Gift Card products
- Override emailed gift card default templates
- Set expiration date for gift cards
- Set the minimum required amount in the cart to apply the gift card
- Display the email address associated with each gift card on the Shopping Cart page
Users YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards Plugin
Enter sender name and custom message
- Specify more recipients for the same gift card type (an email with the same amount code will be sent to each recipient)
- Choose a delivery date for the gift card
- Choose a gift card image from the gallery
- Upload a custom image or image to customize the gift card
- Receive an email when using a purchased gift card
- Buy a gift certificate that suggests a specific store product: the coupon will be the same value of the product and it will be suggested in the email
- Confirm the status and number of gift cards he/she owns
Multi-language compatible WPML, Polylang
Changelog: YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards Premium
3.11.2 – Released on 10 February 2022
Fix: fixed the main gift this product image
Fix: prevent non object call in templates
Fix: fixed the wrong delivery date saved in the gift cards for the different timezones
Fix: fixed issue with WPML and zero gift cards in the cart
3.11.1 – Released on 10 February 2022
Fix: fixed issue which blocks the add to cart if the Gift this product feature is enabled in the product
Fix: fixed a non well formed numeric value
3.11.0 – Released on 08 February 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.2
Fix: fixed the minimal amount error display
Fix: send_delayed_gift_cards was incorrectly calculated
Fix: fixed issues in the integration with YITH Product Bundles and the Gift this product feature
Dev: removing variables in the templates, adding them in the templates call
Dev: minor changes
3.10.0 – Released on 20 January 2022
Tweak: included the option to set a custom shipping cost for the “Gift this product”, instead of using the WC shipping values
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: fixed the coupon amounts when using YITH Multi Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
Fix: fixed wrong delivery date
Fix: fixed the negative fee value when the order status changes
Fix: fixed incompatibility with TaxJar in the checkout
Fix: Change conditional to apply WPML currency integration
Fix: non-existent function call
Fix: fixed the integration between Gift this product feature and YITH Bundles Products
Dev: removed the “Set an amount” title in product page if the gift card product only have an amount
Dev: removed the currency symbols in the gift card edit amounts section
Dev: style improves in the manual amount field on frontend
Dev: minor style changes
3.9.0 – Released on 03 January 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.1
New: support for WordPress 5.9
New: added the possibility of send multiple gift cards at the same time using the bulk actions in the gift card dashboard
Tweak: added the “Purchase date” to the gift card export in CSV
Tweak: added the recipient, sender and message info to the physical gift card post in backend
Tweak: added empty states to the gift card tables
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: updated the CSV sample
Fix: fixed the display of addons in the gift card email and pdf
Fix: fixed the delivery date when importing gift cards in CSV, now they can be scheduled
Dev: added new parametter to the filter ywgc_email_notify_customer_recipient_email
Dev: added on/off buttons to the currency integrations options
Dev: changes in the WPML multi-currency integration
Dev: added gift card object to yith_ywgc_shop_page_url filter
ev: added yith_wcgc_param_array_format_price filter
Dev: minor changes
3.8.1 – Released on 14 December 2021
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: fixed issues in the delivery date
Dev: optimized the foreach calls
Dev: fixed the price range if the gift card product has only 1 amount
Dev: fixed the display of the addons in the gift card email and PDF
3.8.0 – Released on 02 December 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 6.0
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: fixed the delivery date of the gift card scheduled in timezones with a big difference with UTC
Dev: changed the price range display in the get_price_html method
Dev: register processing order to avoid multiple execution on same instance
3.7.1 – Released on 25 November 2021
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: updating setting strings
Fix: fixed warning when importing gift cards without date
Fix: fixed the gallery if no image are added
Fix: fixed the integration with Aelia when using the gift cards as coupons
Dev: added the correct text when removing a product from the cart using the gift this product
Dev: added new filters yith_ywgc_gift_card_post, yith_ywgc_gift_card_number and yith_ywgc_gift_card_total_balance
Dev: removed maxDate param from datepickers
Dev: make a different template for the Gift this product shortcode
Dev: removed cart and checkout conditions to load the gift card scripts
Dev: removed cart and checkout conditions to load the gift card scripts
Dev: added new hooks yith_ywgc_after_write_mpdf_html_template_pdf and yith_ywgc_after_generate_template_pdf
Dev: escaped some strings
Dev: disabled the upload feature temporarily in the gallery popup. It will be redesigned with a different library and included in the next versions.
= v3.7.0 – Released on 03 November 2021 =
* New: support for WooCommerce 5.9
* Update: YITH plugin framework
* Fix: fixed issue with the values in the minor integration with WC Multi Currency
* Fix: including some strings to the domain
* Fix: Corrected text on thank you page and email when use gift this product feature
* Dev: replaced the ABSPATH by the wp_upload_dir method
* Dev: replacing the option _yith_wcmcs_custom_prices by _ywgc_wcmcs_custom_prices
* Dev: added new filter yith_ywgc_skip_orders_autocomplete
* Dev: added the ID gift-this-product to the Gift this product container
* Dev: changed the “Today” placeholder by “Now” in the delivery date field
3.6.1 – RELEASED ON 18 OCTOBER 2021
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: fixed issue with non editable orders
Fix: fixed the default Aelia option
3.6.0 – RELEASED ON 07 OCTOBER 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.8
New: Option for maximum manual amount
New: added new option to generate the gift card code automatically when creating a gift card post
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: updating the help tab
Fix: minor fixes
Fix: fixed manual amount save issue with YITH Multi Currency Switcher
Dev: minor changes
Dev: Improved some logics when editing a gift card post
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: debug info feature removed for all logged in users
Fix: RTL text problems with PDF and email template
New: Integration with YITH Multi Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: update the gift card balance when using it as a coupon depending on the “Display prices during cart and checkout” option from WC
Dev: added checks to avoid sending emails if they are deactivated
New: support for WooCommerce 5.7
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: display also linked physical gift cards on my account
Fix: fixed issue with the scheduled gift cards delivery
3.3.9 – Released on 17 August 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.6
New: register an history of the gift card redemptions using the shortcode
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: fixed expiration date and delivery date on export CSV action
Fix: Errors sending email on hourly
Fix: fixed the delivery notification conditions
Dev: making changes in the plugin structure
Dev: added new condition in the gift card table to display the used in orders message
Dev: added a check to avoid some errors
De v: added new filters yith_wcgc_fee_name and yith_wcgc_introductory_text_email_send_gift_card
= v3.3.8 – Released on 05 July 2021 =
* New: support for WordPress 5.8
* New: support for WooCommerce 5.5
* New: added new Help tab in the plugin settings
* Update: YITH plugin framework
* Fix: Allow uppercase in image extension
* Fix: fixed the image upload limit in the popup
3.3.5 – RELEASED ON 10 MAY 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.3
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: fixed the import of the gift cards with a gift card ID
Fix: fixed a console error related to the select2
Dev: minor CSS changes
Dev: added classes to the gift card details in cart
Dev: convert the gift card value in my account using WPML
Dev: added a is_array condition to avoid errors in the credit note generation
v3.3.3 – RELEASED ON 08 MARCH 2021
New: support for WordPress 5.7
New: support for WooCommerce 5.1
New: added new shortcode to display the Gift this product form [yith_ywgc_display_gift_this_product_form]
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: fixed the MM d, yy format in the gift card export
Fix: added a condition to prevent errors when the product purchased as a gift has been deleted
Dev: added new filter yith_ywgc_frontend_select2_load
Dev: added a script in the export button to prevent the browser message
Dev: changed the yith_wcgc_display_input_hidden_disable_gift_this_product hook priority
Dev: add more conditions depending on the enabled features to the styles and scripts enqueue
Dev: added new filter ywgc_gift_card_product_image_in_cart
Dev: adding more security checks to the custom uploaded file
= v3.3.2 – Released on 05 February 2021 =
* New: support for WooCommerce 5.0
* Update: YITH plugin framework
* Update: language files
* Fix: pay the renew orders from YITH Subscriptions with the gift cards, if they have the enough balance to paid the full renew order
* Fix: fixed an error in the timezone for the postponed gift cards
* Fix: fixed the modal image selection
* Fix: fixed some non translatable strings
* Fix: don’t display in my account gift cards without email
* Dev: added new filter ywgc_send_delayed_gift_cards_send_date
* Dev: added new filter ywgc_display_default_shipping_value_condition
= v3.1.11 – Released on 09 September 2020 =
* Fix: reverted back changes to allow display images in more than one category
* Dev: reverted changes when recalculating orders with a gift card applied
= v3.1.6 – Released on 09 July 2020 =
* New: Support for WooCommerce 4.3
* Tweak: Added new option to select the gift card delivery interval and a button to update the cron
* Update: plugin framework
* Update: plugin language
* Fix: fixed the converted balance using WPML and the gift cards as coupons
* Fix: fixed the converted amount using WPML and the gift cards as coupons
* Fix: fixed the gift card not applied when the order is edited
* Dev: move the ywgc_add_gift_card_coupons_as_negative_fees filter
* Dev: changed delivered gift card email image into PNG format
* Dev: added $context param to ywgc_custom_company_logo_url and ywgc_custom_header_image_url filters
* Dev: calculate the correct VAT amount in the checkout
* Dev: added new filter ‘yith_ywgc_mpdf_directionality’
* Dev: added new action ywgc_verify_coupon_code_condition
* Dev: added new param to filter yith_ywgc_check_gift_card_return
* Dev: added the ywgc_apply_gc_code_on_gc_product condition using a gift card as coupon
* Dev: change the physical gift card info title to h5
* Dev: fix a possible warning in the email using product addons
* Dev: changed some wrong filter names
* Dev: minor changes
v3.1.4 – RELEASED ON 18 MAY 2020
New: Support for WooCommerce 4.2
Tweak: automatically send the preprinted gift card email when the code is created and the order updated
Update: updated the Elementor icons
Fix: prevent a preprinted gift card to be sent without code
Fix: fixed a problem with the tax calculation
Fix: added some fixes to the taxes using coupons, enable it returning true here ywgc_add_gift_card_coupons_as_negative_fees
Dev: updated some template classes
Dev: avoid send a gift card without delivery date
Dev: new filter ywgc_add_gift_card_coupons_as_negative_fees
⭐See also: Summary of free premium WordPress plugins, daily updates
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