Free Download RoyalSlider v3.4.1 – Touch Content Slider for WordPress

RoyalSlider v3.4.1 – Touch Content Slider for WordPress

Free Download RoyalSlider v3.4.1 – Touch Content Slider for WordPress

Royal Slider for WordPress is responsive image gallery and HTML content slider plugin with touch swipe navigation. Plugin is mobile-friendly and allows creating completely custom slideshows and css3 banner rotators with images, videos or HTML content in slides. You can also dynamically populate data from Flickr, 500px, Instagram or featured posts of any post type – like WooCommerce products.

Changelog: RoyalSlider

3.4.1 – 17 Aug 2020
Improved compatibility with WordPress 5.5, minor admin styling issues.
Fixed a warning that could appear during or while checking for an update.

3.4.0 – 21 Jan 2020
Improved compatibility with WordPress 5.3.
Fixed JS initialization issue when used with Gutenberg and scripts are loaded asynchronously.
Fixed fullscreen mode issue with Twentytwenty theme.

3.3.9 – 8 Dec 2018
Added full compatibility with WordPress 5.0 – fixed bugs and improved new WordPress editor support.

3.3.8 – 3 Dec 2018
Added basic Gutenberg support.
Fixed bug in admin area – text fields in media modal were not focusable when opened from “Add New Slide” dialog.
Minor CSS optimizations and improvements.

3.3.7 – 17 Aug 2018
Updated default YouTube and Vimeo embed code.
Dropped 500px and Instagram support, due to the deprecation of their API.
Added filter new_rs_slide_html, which allows filtering HTML content of each slide individually.
Added filter new_rs_options, which allows filtering options for specific slider.

3.3.6 – 31 Mar 2018
Updated JavaScript file. Fixed dragging on iOS 11.3 – the page scroll is not locked while you drag the slider. Improved touch functionality and added support for passive event listeners.

3.3.5 – 21 Mar 2017
Added new_rs_slides_output_after_start filter that allows developers to add slides before the first one (in addition to new_rs_slides_output_before_end that allows to add slides after the last one).shortcode now supports third-party solutions that override WordPress media library functionality (for example Enhanced Media Library plugin allows to add categories or tags to images and then create gallery based on them).
Fixed a bug in video module that could prevent from showing specific YouTube urls.

3.3.4 – 19 Jan 2017
Compability with NextGen v2.1.62.
Added new_royalslider_image_tab_after_inputs filter that allows developers to add instructions or more inputs for “Image” tab of custom slider.
Fixed minor styling issues in admin related to WordPress 4.7.1.

3.3.3 – 21 Aug 2016
Updated RoyalSlider JS file with minor performance improvements.
Improved sanitizing of Instagram data to make sure that special characters like emoji are rendered correctly.
Minor fixes in an admin area for the recent WordPress version.

3.3.2 – 15 Mar 2016
Fix: method custom_footer_scripts is now static (fixes deprecated notice when using with PHP7 or latest version of WordPress).

3.3.1 – 20 Jan 2016
Fixed notice in admin when using with PHP7 and the new version of WordPress.
Changed default authentication scope for Instagram API. In case you’re using Instagram gallery, please read this notice.
Updated default YouTube and Vimeo URL to https.
Minor UI fixes.

3.3.0 – 20 Oct 2015
Changed media uploader for “custom” slider.
Improved slide animation performance on iOS9 for large images.
Added action new_rs_before_js_init_code, that allows to insert additional JS code before slider is initialized.

3.2.9 – 22 Sep 2015
Fixed iOS9 Safari image disappearing during transition in some cases (just royalslider.css changed).

3.2.8 – 19 Aug 2015
Fixed issue that could cause PHP notice to appear when using with WordPress 4.3 and when WP_DEBUG is enabled.

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